How I Fill the Silence Living Alone as an Introvertby Rebecca Holland By living alone as an introvert, I have found ways to fill the silence without feeling the pressure to socialize. Around three-and-a-half years ago, I moved back to my hometown and began to rent an apartment in anticipation of finishing my education. It…… Continue reading INTROVERSION

The Beauty of Solitude: 6 Of Reasons Why Introverts Embrace Being Alone

It is in solitude that introverts recharge their energy and find the answers they are looking for. In our society, wanting to spend time alone signals red flags of loneliness, depression, and even egotism — and the COVID-19 pandemic may have cast an even darker veil on being solitary. But introversion is defined, in part, by…… Continue reading The Beauty of Solitude: 6 Of Reasons Why Introverts Embrace Being Alone

5 Ways to Love & Support an Introvert Who’s Grieving…

Supporting someone who is grieving can be a tough task. Supporting an introvert who is grieving comes with its own unique challenges. Here are five ways to love an introvert as they grieve. How to Support an Introvert Who Is Grieving 1. Give us space to process. Introverts process things internally, and we need time to…… Continue reading 5 Ways to Love & Support an Introvert Who’s Grieving…

Python VS JavaScript – What are the Key Differences Between The Two Popular Programming Languages?

Welcome! If you want to learn the differences between Python and JavaScript, then this article is for you. These two languages are very popular and powerful, but they do have key differences. We will cover them in detail here. In this article, you will learn: The different real-world applications of Python and JavaScript.The key syntactic and…… Continue reading Python VS JavaScript – What are the Key Differences Between The Two Popular Programming Languages?

10 Powerful Ways to Tell Your Story

SUMMARY Customers connect with businesses when they identify with their stories. Learn how to tell your story better with these 10 storytelling tips. “Scratch the surface in a typical boardroom, and we’re all just cavemen with briefcases, hungry for a wise person to tell us stories,” says computer pioneer Dr. Alan Kay.  Research in neuroscience reveals that…… Continue reading 10 Powerful Ways to Tell Your Story

5 Makomborero ekuziva Magwaro

“… Tora munondo woMweya, rinova Shoko raMwari”-VaEfeso 6:17 Muhondo yemweya, iwe unofanirwa kushandisa Chokwadi chaMwari kurwisa nhema dzemuvengi (Satani). Jesu akashandisa rugwaro kurwisa miyedzo yaSatani munaMateo 4. Heano nzira shanu dzekuyeuchidza rugwaro zvichakubatsira kukugadzirira Hondo Yemweya. 1. Zvaunoshuva Kuchinja “Usateedzera maitiro netsika dzenyika ino, asi rega Mwari akushandure uve munhu mutsva nekuchinja mafungiro aunofunga. Ipapo…… Continue reading 5 Makomborero ekuziva Magwaro

Introvert Personality

What Is an Introvert? An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what’s happening externally. They enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds. When you…… Continue reading Introvert Personality

12 Stress-Free Side Hustles For Introverts

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably sick and tired of all of the gurus telling you how easy it is to make extra income from a side hustle. This isn’t because those side hustles don’t work, but they don’t always provide the same successful outcome for everyone who tries them — especially introverts. Since…… Continue reading 12 Stress-Free Side Hustles For Introverts

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